I got to see part of Sue Jensen's collage demonstration last Saturday at Art On Broadway and was inspired to try more of this delightful art form on my own. Sue completed three small collages during the morning by applying beautifully colored hand-stamped and hand-painted papers to artist panels. She's getting ready for the Local 14 show at the World Forestry Center later this month.
When I got to Art Media yesterday, I couldn't help but notice the big transformation from AM to its new owner Dick Blick. No matter who owns it, an art supply store is certainly an inspiring place for an artist and with Sue's demo still on my mind, I headed for the handmade papers. I purchased about a dozen new sheets of lucious warm colored papers along with acrylic paints, brushes, and panel supports.
I also picked up the latest edition of "international artist" magazine which has a cover of a wonderful watercolor painting by Alvaro Casagnet, a world respected watercolorist from Uraguay. More of Alvaro's urban landscapes and interiors accompany the article about him. More info and imagery to inspire!