The show opens on Wednesday, November 6, and will continue through November 30, with an Artists Reception on Saturday, November 9, from 6 to 9 p.m. Media includes acrylic, basketry, clay, collage, found metal, mixed media, monoprint, pastel, and oil. It is an impressive show!
Visitors familiar with the gallery will recognize work by one of our former member artists, Joe Pogan. Joe creates wonderful 3D sculptures using found metal objects. His fascinating pieces offer the viewer an insight into his thought process and creativity. Whether you are a frequent visitor or will be seeing Joe's work for the first time, you won't be disappointed.
In addition to Joe, the following artists have work in this exhibit: Edgard Abadia, Thom Caccamo, Margaret C. Carter, Stephanie Cissna, Leonardo Cocco, Pablo Cordero, Michelle Gallagher, Mark Larsen, Diane Marks-Bestor, Lisa Marshall, Denise McDonald, Marjorie Meyer, Janet Ronacher, Eunice Sause, George Schweser, Kat Sowa, Bonnie Tucker, and George Woodcock.